ART MODERNISM IN JACA (Modernism or modernist art)
This sytle was born Belgium in XX century. About this new art
is important the inspiration of nature and the use glass and iron x .
is important the inspiration of nature and the use glass and iron x .
This art is used in buildings, furniture and in other art forms (picture, sculture...).
But this style is expensive (art.)
- Decorative art
- Inspiration in nature with vegetables and flowers shapes
- Inspiration in other cultures
- In this style use of femenine shapes is normal
In Jaca you can find (with a) different buildings of this style. There is a modernism route, we can begin in Casa Borau, situated in Avda. del primer Viernes de Mayo.
One of most important building is in this avenue, is Casa Valero, that it is inpiration in the style neobarroque.
In the calle Mayor, the house numbre 17 has decorative neogothic, number 20, there is a pharmacy where there is modernist furniture.
In the same street you can also see an original decorative building where we are moved to another andalucí art, like La Alhambra in Granada, beside there is another building with original shapes, this house belongs to the Abad family, the decorative is inspired in nature.
Author :Ruth Pino Blanco
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