Monday, 8 March 2010


Jaca cathedral is considered to be one of the most important Spanish monuments: It is the greatest Romanesque cathedral in Spain, and the model for all Spanish Romanesque. It is a candidate for UNESCO world heritage status. Built at the end of the 11 th century, it is a shining example of Aragonese-Romanesque stylle. The Diocesan Museum of Jaca houses one the world´s most significant colletions of medieval frescoes.

The Romanesque cathedral was constructed in two phases:

Fist Period: (1077-1082) During the reign of Sancho Ramirez and the his brother infanta García bishop.

Second Period (1104-1130): Alfonso I el Batallador and Esteban of Huesca helped the crown and mitre respectively.

In 1631 to 1752 it was demoslished.

1841: another demolition.


It has two accesses:

Small doorway (mesure) Pantocrator in cover, symbols of the evangelists, bull and the lion.

Columns, archivolts and Capitals with the representation of Abraham´s sacrifice, and the King David playing the zither.

Jaca rod: standard measurement that was used in all Aragon.

Major door: "Penintencial Porch". Trinity Crismon: father, son and Holy Spirit.


Basiilical plan is three naves, the central one wider and taller, with round arches.

It has some balls and a characteristic chessboard design called jaques that extended all the St James´way. A side chapel is Santa Orosia of Baroque style.

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